Friday, September 23, 2011



I'm having a great day so far. Bills have been paid, dishes washed, ironing done, bed made, room clean (well, as clean as it gets!), sun shining, birds playing in the bird bath ... an it's not even lunchtime!

Ok, so I didn't actually do the ironing and dish washing myself - but it's still done. Parents have gone for the weekend and I am chilled. Haven't had a weekend to myself for a very long time. Once upon a time they would both go to respite on the same weekend, but these days only Dad goes. I get that Mum needs a break from him, but I need a break too!!!!!

I have no idea what I'm going to do this weekend though - although I think it will involve peace and quiet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ahhh, so pretty!

I've just put some new pictures up on my deviantART profile. They were taken in my front garden. I love the smiley little yellow flowers - so pretty!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Well, I feel like a two-toed sloth!

How embarrassing - 9 months since I posted. I mean, seriously .... I could have made an entire person in that time (not that I did).  Surely I should have managed a blog update or two .....

What can I say? Bad, bad me! In my defence I had some issues. That horrid nasty virus that makes you computer want to run a virus check all the time, which meant that Mr.Lappy had to have a brain reset. I think it was more traumatic for me. Has anyone ever taken note of how much 'stuff' we accumulate on our computers? I try not to, but it just keeps growing and growing.

Of course my newest obsession is my beautiful nephew Sam. Awwwww. He was born in January and is the most beautiful. baby ever. Really. Seriously. I'm positive. I'm not biased in any way ..... honest!

So my new plan is such: from now on I shall make my blog my homepage. Therefore I will constantly be reminded that it is here needing love!

Fingers crossed!